DNA and RNA samples for Genotyping/Microarray:
All DNA/RNA should be normalized to 75 ng/μl if using the Nanodrop (or 50 ng/μl if using fluorescence/picogreen) in TE (10mM Tris, 1mM EDTA) or DNase/RNase-Free water (DNA in TE and RNA is RNase-free water).
The minimum volume should be 15 μl.
If 260/280 ratio is lower than 1.7, the DNA should be purified to remove protein contamination.
Plate DNA into a 96 well 0.2 ml, V bottom, skirted plate (Fisher #AB-0800, USA Scientific #1402-9800, or World Wide Medical Products # 41081006) in columns (A1, B1, C1, D1,..). Label the plate with specific Plate ID.
Fill out the sample submission form, please include a fund number.
Seal the plate with an adhesive foil seal which can withstand being on dry ice or in -80 degrees (Beckman Coulter #BK538619). Make sure the seal is secure by pressing down on each individual well with your finger.
For shipping samples:
Wrap plates in paper towels or bench pads individually, freeze the sealed plates in the -20 degree overnight. Stack multiple plates with extra padding between the plates so that the wells of one plate do not puncture the seal of another.
Ship DNA on dry ice. Make sure there is ample dry ice to keep the DNA frozen during the shipment. Place the DNA plates in a water tight bag.