Gene Arrays provides a single stop solution for all your genomics and transcriptomics discovery & profiling needs. We provide you with microarray and sequencing profiling services for the most complete analysis of your samples and publication ready figures. Our innovative and comprehensive services includes expression profiling, functional analysis, biomarker discovery and novel drug screening.
DNA Isolation Services:
We offer isolation of DNA from wide variety of species, specially, cell lines, clinical samples (Human), Rat, Mouse and tissue samples with a low throughput genomic DNA extraction service. Using the Qiagen DNeasy Blood & Tissue system with spin column technology we will be able to obtain high quality DNA from good quality samples. Read More
RNA Isolation Services:
Gene Arrays offer isolation of total RNA from wide variety of species, specially, cell lines, clinical samples (Human), Rat, Mouse and tissue samples with a low throughput RNA extraction service. Using the Qiagen RNeasy mini prep system with spin column technology we will be able to obtain high quality RNA from good quality samples. Read More
microRNA Isolation Services:
We also offer a comprehensive microRNA extraction services. We have hands on experience in isolating microRNA from a number of different sample types. Read More